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HC SR-04

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Ultrasonic sensor is one of the sensor it produces the ultrasonic signals. Generally ultrasonic sensor produces the sound signals. That sound signals are not audible for humans because human audible frequency range is 20hz to 20khz.

Different types of Ultrasonic sensors are 

  • HC SR-04
  • HY-SRF05
  • US-015
  • US-100
  • US42V2

Ultra sonic sensor (HC SR-04)

HC SR-04

Ultrasonic sensor (HC SR-04)

Ultrasonic sensor (HC SR-04) is one of the sensor. This sensor produces the sound signals range of 20khz to 2Mhz frequency. That sound signals are not audible for humans because human audible frequency range is 20hz to 20khz. This sensor operating range is 2cm to 400cm. Ultrasonic sensor consists of four pins they are

  • Vcc
  • Trigger
  • Echo
  • Ground


Vcc is the first pin of the ultrasonic sensor. This pin is used to voltage (+ve supply) is applied to this sensor.


Trigger is the second pin of the ultrasonic sensor. This pin is used to send the triggering pulse.


Echo pin is the third pin of the ultrasonic sensor. This Pin is used to receive the echo signal from the object or obstacle.


Ground is the fourth pin of the ultrasonic sensor. This pin is used to apply the supply (-ve signal) to sensor.

In ultrasonic sensor two speakers they are 

  • Transmitter
  • Receiver


In ultrasonic sensor transmitter is used to produce the ultrasonic sound waves. When produced ultrasonic waves touches the any object or obstacle then that ultrasonic signal hit and return back, that return signal is called echo signal. 


In this ultrasonic sensor receiver is used to receive the echo signals from obstacles or object and process.

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