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What is 5v Relay? How Relay works and Different types of Relays

What is 5v Relay

Hii……. guys in this script, i will tell you about relay in short ans sweet with very easily understandable language.

Relay is an electrically operated switch, it works in the principle of electromagnetic attraction. Many relays are works with the magnetic force. Generally relays are used for the purpose of circuit protection and switching. It protects the circuit and system from damage.

What is 5v Relay


1. Electromagnetic relay

2. Thermal relay

3. Hybrid ralay

4. polarized relay

5. Solid state relay

6. Solid state contactor relay

7. Static relay

8. Co-axial relay


Electromagnetic relay:

Electromagnetic relay is electrically operated switch, it operated with the electromagnetic forrce. This relay works with the 5v and 12v power supply. This ralay works in principle of electromagnetic atrraction


N/C: Normally Connection

N/O: Normally Open

Coil Trminals: It consists of two terminals, they are coil terminal-1 and coil terminal-2

Common: Metal contact


Genareally relay is used for the switching purpose. In above circuit two bulbs are connected to the relay to pins of N/O and N/C respectively. And AC. supply (230v, 50Hz) is also connected to the relay and bulbs. One wire is connected to the relay pin-MC (metal contact) and another supply wire is connected to the two bulbs. 5v is supply is connected to the two coil pins with battery or 5v DC adapter.

       When 5v is not applied to the relay, then B1 is OFF and B2 is ON state. Because B2 is connected to the N/C pin. N/C pin is normally connected to the metal contact pin, so bulb B2 is in ON state and bulb B1 is in OFF state because bulb B1 is connected to pin-N/O, it is normally open circuit. 

     When 5v supply is applied to the relay, then B2 is OFF and B1 is ON state. Because B1 is connected to the N/C pin. N/C pin is normally connected to the metal contact pin, so bulb B1 is in ON state and bulb B2 is in OFF state because bulb B2 is connected to pin-N/O, it is normally open circuit. 

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